Elected to the Bar: 2019

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Aidan Kraus

Aidan was admitted to practice in December 2014 and commenced work soon after at Michael Tudori & Associates, specialising in criminal defence in both State and Commonwealth matters.

Since beginning legal practice in 2015 Aidan has represented many clients in Magistrate Court trials, trials by jury in the District and Supreme Courts, complex bail applications, sentencing hearings, and a wide range of legal arguments and interlocutory matters.

Aidan has also assisted clients in matters of property seizure and in appearing before the Crime and Corruption Commission, and outside of the criminal law in assisting with applications for extraordinary driver’s licenses, restraining orders, and gaming and liquor licenses.

Admitted to the bar in 2019, Aidan is a dedicated and experienced trial lawyer having appeared on behalf of clients in relation to a wide range of matters.

He is a passionate and hard working advocate who can assist his clients not only with his own experience, but also by drawing on the experience of his colleagues.


Bachelor Law / Arts (Social Justice)

Date of admission: 2014

Elected to the Bar: 2019

Aidan Kraus

Aidan was admitted to practice in December 2014 and commenced work soon after at Michael Tudori & Associates, specialising in criminal defence in both State and Commonwealth matters.

Since beginning legal practice in 2015 Aidan has represented many clients in Magistrate Court trials, trials by jury in the District and Supreme Courts, complex bail applications, sentencing hearings, and a wide range of legal arguments and interlocutory matters.

Aidan has also assisted clients in matters of property seizure and in appearing before the Crime and Corruption Commission, and outside of the criminal law in assisting with applications for extraordinary driver’s licenses, restraining orders, and gaming and liquor licenses.

Admitted to the bar in 2019, Aidan is a dedicated and experienced trial lawyer having appeared on behalf of clients in relation to a wide range of matters.

He is a passionate and hard working advocate who can assist his clients not only with his own experience, but also by drawing on the experience of his colleagues.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Read more about Aidan Kraus