Elected to the Bar: 2015

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Andrew Pollock

Andrew has a national practice covering litigious, advisory and strategic matters with a primary focus on industrial relations and employment related areas. He specialises in disputes arising from industrial action, enterprise bargaining and related disputes, strategic issues arising from major restructures and individual employee disputes. Andrew has also practised in media and entertainment law (with a focus on defamation and intellectual property issues arising in the music and screen industries).

Andrew’s clients span a range of industries including retail, airlines, transport and logistics, mining and resources, manufacturing, entertainment and the public sector. He appears regularly in the eastern states and Western Australia before the Federal Court, the Federal Circuit Court and the Fair Work Commission, at trial and appellate levels.

Andrew was recognised in:

  • Chambers and Partners Asia Pacific rankings for 2021;
  • Legal 500's Australian rankings for 2021 (Tier 1);
  • Doyles Guide's Leading Employment and WHS Counsel Australia in 2021 and 2020;
  • Doyles Guide's Leading Employment and WHS Counsel Victoria in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018; and
  • Doyles Guide's Emerging Employment and WHS Counsel in 2017.

Before coming to the Bar, Andrew was a Senior Associate in the Employment, Pensions and Incentives practice group at Herbert Smith Freehills.


Date of admission:  2009

Qualifications: LLB(Hons)/BA

Elected to the Bar: 2015

Andrew Pollock

Andrew has a national practice covering litigious, advisory and strategic matters with a primary focus on industrial relations and employment related areas. He specialises in disputes arising from industrial action, enterprise bargaining and related disputes, strategic issues arising from major restructures and individual employee disputes. Andrew has also practised in media and entertainment law (with a focus on defamation and intellectual property issues arising in the music and screen industries).

Andrew’s clients span a range of industries including retail, airlines, transport and logistics, mining and resources, manufacturing, entertainment and the public sector. He appears regularly in the eastern states and Western Australia before the Federal Court, the Federal Circuit Court and the Fair Work Commission, at trial and appellate levels.

Andrew was recognised in:

  • Chambers and Partners Asia Pacific rankings for 2021;
  • Legal 500's Australian rankings for 2021 (Tier 1);
  • Doyles Guide's Leading Employment and WHS Counsel Australia in 2021 and 2020;
  • Doyles Guide's Leading Employment and WHS Counsel Victoria in 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018; and
  • Doyles Guide's Emerging Employment and WHS Counsel in 2017.

Before coming to the Bar, Andrew was a Senior Associate in the Employment, Pensions and Incentives practice group at Herbert Smith Freehills.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Read more about Andrew Pollock