Elected to the Bar: 2009

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Anthony Elliott

Anthony Elliott has practising almost exclusively in criminal law for over 25 years, and has appeared in two of the most notorious murder trials in the last 20 years.

Anthony has appeared for both prosecution and defence, but now acts almost exclusively for the defence. He worked for the Office of the DPP in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Fiji, and was appointed as Deputy DPP in Fiji. He has been practising at the Independent Bar since August 2009.

Anthony also has experience in military courts martial and hearings before defence force magistrates, and in appeals from those proceedings. As a military lawyer he has also been engaged in administrative reviews and challenges to administrative decisions.

Anthony appears in criminal courts at all levels in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, including the conduct of appeals in each of those jurisdictions.

Anthony has an interest in cases involving computers and technology, and in scientific evidence, particularly DNA.


Date of admission: 23 Dec 1988

Qualifications: BJuris, LLB, Grad Dip (Military Law)

Elected to the Bar: 2009

Anthony Elliott

Anthony Elliott has practising almost exclusively in criminal law for over 25 years, and has appeared in two of the most notorious murder trials in the last 20 years.

Anthony has appeared for both prosecution and defence, but now acts almost exclusively for the defence. He worked for the Office of the DPP in Western Australia, Northern Territory and Fiji, and was appointed as Deputy DPP in Fiji. He has been practising at the Independent Bar since August 2009.

Anthony also has experience in military courts martial and hearings before defence force magistrates, and in appeals from those proceedings. As a military lawyer he has also been engaged in administrative reviews and challenges to administrative decisions.

Anthony appears in criminal courts at all levels in Western Australia and the Northern Territory, including the conduct of appeals in each of those jurisdictions.

Anthony has an interest in cases involving computers and technology, and in scientific evidence, particularly DNA.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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