Elected to the Bar: 2011

Appointed Senior Counsel: 2024

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Bill Keane SC

Bill provides advice and representation in commercial and regulatory disputes. His experience includes competition law, consumer law, intellectual property, commercial contract, industrial and employment law. He has appeared in a wide range of matters, including large-scale and complex disputes in the Supreme and Federal Courts.

Bill is a faculty member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), a section editor (Enforcement and Remedies) for the Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law and has been a faculty member for advocacy training for both the Law Society of WA and the WA Bar Association.


Date of admission: 1996

Qualifications: LLB (UWA), BA (UWA), MLM (UNSW)

Elected to the Bar: 2011

Appointed Senior Counsel: 2024

Bill Keane SC

Bill provides advice and representation in commercial and regulatory disputes. His experience includes competition law, consumer law, intellectual property, commercial contract, industrial and employment law. He has appeared in a wide range of matters, including large-scale and complex disputes in the Supreme and Federal Courts.

Bill is a faculty member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), a section editor (Enforcement and Remedies) for the Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law and has been a faculty member for advocacy training for both the Law Society of WA and the WA Bar Association.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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