Elected to the Bar: 2018
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Cobey Taggart
Cobey has a wide-ranging national practice in public and administrative law across State, Territory and Federal jurisdictions. She regularly appears in the Federal Court, Full Federal Court and High Court of Australia (both led and unled) as well as other Federal, State and Territory courts and tribunals.
Cobey is regularly briefed by Government and public agencies as well as corporate and individual clients. She has experience across a range of subject matter, including regulatory proceedings, taxation, NDIS matters, mining and environment matters, professional disciplinary proceedings, migration and native title.
Cobey has significant experience and knowledge in native title proceedings across all areas – including proceedings before the NNTT, connection hearings (for Government and Applicant parties), extinguishment and tenure related matters, compensation, and negotiation of ILUAs and s 31(1)(b) agreements. She is consistently recognised as a leading native title barrister by Doyles.
Cobey has a strong reputation as a skilled advocate with a dedication to finding client-focussed solutions.