Elected to the Bar: 2004
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Craig Slater
Craig Slater specialises in commercial litigation.
Craig has worked at Ashursts (then Blake Dawson Waldron), Lavan Legal (then Phillips Fox), King & Wood Mallesons (then Mallesons Stephen Jaques) and ASIC. He advises on the Corporations Act and consumer affairs legislation; he has represented the Commonwealth in corporations and taxation matters; and he has appeared as counsel in trials arising from financial services advice, misrepresentations, the dissolution of corporations and partnerships, winding up applications and commercial disputes generally.
Craig was the President of the Law Society of WA in 2013. He remains a member of its Ethics Committee and Professional Standards Scheme Committee; and is the convenor of its Quality Practice Standard Committee which administers the Society’s QPS Scheme. He has represented the Law Society on the Law Council of Australia’s committee reviewing proposed changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth).
Date of admission: 1988
Qualifications: LLB, BJuris, FFin