Elected to the Bar: 2022
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Fiona Lester
Fiona Lester practices in criminal, civil and human rights law. She has particular experience in matters under the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996, the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 and the Mental Health Act 2014.
Fiona has appeared as sole counsel before the Supreme Court, District Court, Magistrates Court, Children’s Court, State Administrative Tribunal, Mental Health Tribunal and Mentally Impaired Accused Review Board. She has also appeared as counsel in diversionary courts including Start Court, IDDP Court and Danjoo Bidi-Ak Children’s Court.
Fiona was born and raised in Alice Springs, completing her secondary education in Perth. She has a Bachelor of Music (Honours) and a Bachelor of Laws (Distinction) from the University of Western Australia. After graduating in law, Fiona was Associate to the Hon Justice Eric Heenan in the Supreme Court of Western Australia.
Fiona has a great interest in therapeutic jurisprudence and has co-facilitated a number of restorative justice projects. She has also worked at the University of Western Australia Law School as a researcher and as a tutor for the School of Indigenous Studies.
Fiona joins Chambers after working as senior lawyer and principal solicitor at Ruah Legal Services and the Mental Health Law Centre.
Date of admission: 2013
Qualifications: BMus (Hons) (UWA), LLB (Dist) (UWA)