Elected to the Bar: 2001

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Grahame Young

With extensive experience behind him, Grahame Young identifies issues quickly and accurately for swift and satisfactory resolution.

His major areas of expertise include taxes on transactions (being transfer and landholder duty, capital gains and income tax and GST), equity and trusts, corporate and property law and succession. He knows the exemptions, concessions and reliefs that may be available in these areas.

As editor of Duties Legislation Western Australia, Grahame is recognised as a leading practitioner in this area. He is a guest lecturer for the University of Western Australia’s Master of Taxation course; and he has published and delivered many papers in Western Australia, nationally and internationally on a wide variety of subjects.

When undertaking the structuring or restructuring of corporate and family groups – whether for generational succession, the introduction of new equity interests by trade sale, IPO or private equity or on a separation of interests – Grahame draws upon all areas of practice. When required, he works cooperatively with other professionals.


Date of admission: 1969

Qualifications: LLB (Hons) (UWA), FTI, TEP

Elected to the Bar: 2001

Grahame Young

With extensive experience behind him, Grahame Young identifies issues quickly and accurately for swift and satisfactory resolution.

His major areas of expertise include taxes on transactions (being transfer and landholder duty, capital gains and income tax and GST), equity and trusts, corporate and property law and succession. He knows the exemptions, concessions and reliefs that may be available in these areas.

As editor of Duties Legislation Western Australia, Grahame is recognised as a leading practitioner in this area. He is a guest lecturer for the University of Western Australia’s Master of Taxation course; and he has published and delivered many papers in Western Australia, nationally and internationally on a wide variety of subjects.

When undertaking the structuring or restructuring of corporate and family groups – whether for generational succession, the introduction of new equity interests by trade sale, IPO or private equity or on a separation of interests – Grahame draws upon all areas of practice. When required, he works cooperatively with other professionals.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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