Elected to the Bar: 1994

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

John Hockley

Qualified Negotiator, Mediator, Arbitrator and Adjudicator.

John Hockley appears and advises in a wide range of commercial law matters. In particular, he appears and advises in complex succession law matters including probate, contested probate; wills, family provision and estates; and succession planning.

John also has an interest in taxation matters and has appeared in the Federal Court and advised in a wide range of Federal and State taxation matters. Further, he has advised and appeared in a range of disputes described as mining law, native title and natural resources.

With an interest in dispute resolution, John practises as a negotiator, mediator (Harvard trained), arbitrator and adjudicator. He has been involved in various domestic arbitrations; and he has made adjudication determinations on various resource projects in Western Australia and other disputes especially between contractors and subcontractors.

John has lectured in Succession Law at the University of Western Australia since 2007; and has authored and co-authored a number of publications and articles. He is Convenor of the Law Society of Western Australia’s Taxation Committee, a joint Committee with the Law Council of Australia, Business Law Section, Tax Committee; a member of the Law Society Elder and Succession Law Committee; and an elected member of the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia.

FCIArb; FACICA;TEP (Trusts and Estates Practitioner with STEP; Member of AMPLA; Member of the Resolution Institute(formerly Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia);


Date of admission: In Victoria in 1979; In WA in 1994

Qualifications: B Sc (Hons),Dip Ed, Ph D, LLB, LL M, Dip Int’l Tax (Harv), Grad Dip Chinese Business Law (UWA) (2017)

Elected to the Bar: 1994

John Hockley

Qualified Negotiator, Mediator, Arbitrator and Adjudicator.

John Hockley appears and advises in a wide range of commercial law matters. In particular, he appears and advises in complex succession law matters including probate, contested probate; wills, family provision and estates; and succession planning.

John also has an interest in taxation matters and has appeared in the Federal Court and advised in a wide range of Federal and State taxation matters. Further, he has advised and appeared in a range of disputes described as mining law, native title and natural resources.

With an interest in dispute resolution, John practises as a negotiator, mediator (Harvard trained), arbitrator and adjudicator. He has been involved in various domestic arbitrations; and he has made adjudication determinations on various resource projects in Western Australia and other disputes especially between contractors and subcontractors.

John has lectured in Succession Law at the University of Western Australia since 2007; and has authored and co-authored a number of publications and articles. He is Convenor of the Law Society of Western Australia’s Taxation Committee, a joint Committee with the Law Council of Australia, Business Law Section, Tax Committee; a member of the Law Society Elder and Succession Law Committee; and an elected member of the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia.

FCIArb; FACICA;TEP (Trusts and Estates Practitioner with STEP; Member of AMPLA; Member of the Resolution Institute(formerly Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia);

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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