Elected to the Bar: 2012

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Cav. Maria Saraceni

Maria practises in regulatory and compliance law and advises on corporate governance matters. Her wealth of experience across all facets of employment law, industrial relations and workplace health and safety is well recognised.

Maria is a strategic thinker who is as comfortable finding solutions to issues without resorting to legal action as she is in representing parties in the course of legal proceedings. This approach results in a commercially responsible outcome for the instructing solicitor and their client.

In addition to her legal work, Maria gives back to the community via her work as a non-executive director on various statutory and not-for-profit boards. She also appears in public speaking engagements and mentors legal practitioners and others who seek career guidance.

Maria’s direct, down-to-earth communication style together with her language skills in Italian and French have proved valuable in assisting those whose first language is other than English and those who are reluctantly involved in legal matters.


Date of admission: 1992

Qualifications: BA, B Ed (Hons), BJuris, LLB

Elected to the Bar: 2012

Cav. Maria Saraceni

Maria practises in regulatory and compliance law and advises on corporate governance matters. Her wealth of experience across all facets of employment law, industrial relations and workplace health and safety is well recognised.

Maria is a strategic thinker who is as comfortable finding solutions to issues without resorting to legal action as she is in representing parties in the course of legal proceedings. This approach results in a commercially responsible outcome for the instructing solicitor and their client.

In addition to her legal work, Maria gives back to the community via her work as a non-executive director on various statutory and not-for-profit boards. She also appears in public speaking engagements and mentors legal practitioners and others who seek career guidance.

Maria’s direct, down-to-earth communication style together with her language skills in Italian and French have proved valuable in assisting those whose first language is other than English and those who are reluctantly involved in legal matters.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Read more about Maria Saraceni