Elected to the Bar: 2003
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Mark Pendlebury
Mark Pendlebury has specialised in commercial dispute resolution throughout his legal career. He is known for his strategic but pragmatic and considered approach – always focusing on the commercial interests and objectives of his clients.
Mark spent seven years as a solicitor at Robinson Cox (which later became Clayton Utz), before being admitted to partnership in that firm in 1993.
He joined Francis Burt Chambers in 2003.
Date of admission: 1986
Qualifications: BJuris, LLB
Areas of practice
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Appellate
- Commercial
- Appellate
- Construction and engineering
- Consumer protection law
- Contractual disputes
- Corporate insolvency
- Corporations law
- Equity
- Intentional torts
- Landlord and tenant
- Mining and resources
- Negligence
- Partnership disputes
- Professional liability
- Professional negligence
- Real property
- Restraint of trade
- Transport law – admiralty | aviation | maritime
- Trusts
- Common Law and Personal Injury
- Environment and Planning
- Industrial and Employment
- Inquests and Inquiries
- Mining and Resources
- Public and Administrative
- Succession