Elected to the Bar: 2019

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Matthew Pudovskis

Matthew has a broad practice in commercial and public law and particular experience in land access (including native title, mining, planning and environmental law) and administrative law (including merits and judicial review).

As counsel, Matthew has appeared in most superior Federal and State Courts, the State Administrative Tribunal, the National Native Title Tribunal, and the Liquor Commission of Western Australia.

Matthew’s experience includes: representing mining companies in relation to disputes before the Mining Warden; advising in relation to land tenure issues; advising and representing native title applicants and respondent parties in relation to native title claims and indigenous land use agreements; advising Aboriginal bodies corporate in relation to issues concerning prescribed bodies corporate; appearing before a local Council, a Joint Development Assessment Panel and the State Administrative Tribunal in relation to planning matters; advising and representing clients in relation to prosecutions under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) and the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA); advising clients in relation to judicial review of decisions made under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth); representing clients in relation to judicial review of migration decisions in the Federal Circuit and Family of Australia; representing defendants in the Magistrate’s Court of Western Australia in relation to contractual disputes and tort claims; advising on the interaction of mining and petroleum laws with native title law; representing third parties in relation to freedom of information complaints before the Information Commissioner; acting in relation to a liquor licensing objection; and, advising in relation to a residential tenancies dispute.

Matthew has a Master of Laws from the University of British Columbia that focussed on Canadian Aboriginal and environmental law.  Matthew is the author of the Lexis Nexis “Native Title – Foreign Jurisdictions” guidecard and is a contributor to the Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal and Native Title News.


Date of admission: 2006

Qualifications: BSc (Env) (Hons) (WAust), LLB (Hons), LLM (BrCol)

Elected to the Bar: 2019

Matthew Pudovskis

Matthew has a broad practice in commercial and public law and particular experience in land access (including native title, mining, planning and environmental law) and administrative law (including merits and judicial review).

As counsel, Matthew has appeared in most superior Federal and State Courts, the State Administrative Tribunal, the National Native Title Tribunal, and the Liquor Commission of Western Australia.

Matthew’s experience includes: representing mining companies in relation to disputes before the Mining Warden; advising in relation to land tenure issues; advising and representing native title applicants and respondent parties in relation to native title claims and indigenous land use agreements; advising Aboriginal bodies corporate in relation to issues concerning prescribed bodies corporate; appearing before a local Council, a Joint Development Assessment Panel and the State Administrative Tribunal in relation to planning matters; advising and representing clients in relation to prosecutions under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) and the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA); advising clients in relation to judicial review of decisions made under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth); representing clients in relation to judicial review of migration decisions in the Federal Circuit and Family of Australia; representing defendants in the Magistrate’s Court of Western Australia in relation to contractual disputes and tort claims; advising on the interaction of mining and petroleum laws with native title law; representing third parties in relation to freedom of information complaints before the Information Commissioner; acting in relation to a liquor licensing objection; and, advising in relation to a residential tenancies dispute.

Matthew has a Master of Laws from the University of British Columbia that focussed on Canadian Aboriginal and environmental law.  Matthew is the author of the Lexis Nexis “Native Title – Foreign Jurisdictions” guidecard and is a contributor to the Australian Resources and Energy Law Journal and Native Title News.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Read more about Matthew Pudovskis