Elected to the Bar: 2023

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Sharminie Perera

Sharminie commenced her legal career at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2014. As a State Prosecutor, Sharminie prosecuted serious indictable offences across Western Australia; frequently appearing as counsel in jury trials, bail applications, directions hearings and sentencing hearings.

In 2019, Sharminie practised criminal law in South Australia, where the major focus of her work was on therapeutic intervention. She regularly appeared as counsel in the Family Violence Court, Mental Impairment Court, Mental Health Court and the Drug, Alcohol and Gambling Intervention Courts. Due to her experience in these specialist Courts, Sharminie was one of the external representatives consulted by the Magistrates Court of South Australia during the establishment of the first Aboriginal Community Court in Adelaide.

On her return to Western Australia in 2020, she continued prosecuting complex criminal trials and hearings for the State of Western Australia. Her considerable experience across a wide range of criminal matters, and her work in rehabilitative justice, have made her well-versed in the intricacies of criminal practice.

Sharminie joined the Bar in 2023 and predominantly practises in criminal law.


Date of admission: 2015

Qualifications: LLB (Distinction) (UWA), BA (UWA)

Elected to the Bar: 2023

Sharminie Perera

Sharminie commenced her legal career at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2014. As a State Prosecutor, Sharminie prosecuted serious indictable offences across Western Australia; frequently appearing as counsel in jury trials, bail applications, directions hearings and sentencing hearings.

In 2019, Sharminie practised criminal law in South Australia, where the major focus of her work was on therapeutic intervention. She regularly appeared as counsel in the Family Violence Court, Mental Impairment Court, Mental Health Court and the Drug, Alcohol and Gambling Intervention Courts. Due to her experience in these specialist Courts, Sharminie was one of the external representatives consulted by the Magistrates Court of South Australia during the establishment of the first Aboriginal Community Court in Adelaide.

On her return to Western Australia in 2020, she continued prosecuting complex criminal trials and hearings for the State of Western Australia. Her considerable experience across a wide range of criminal matters, and her work in rehabilitative justice, have made her well-versed in the intricacies of criminal practice.

Sharminie joined the Bar in 2023 and predominantly practises in criminal law.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Read more about Sharminie Perera