Elected to the Bar: 2025
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Thomas Ford
Admitted to practice in 2012, Thomas specialises in State and Federal criminal law. They regularly appear as counsel in trials, sentencing hearings, bail applications, and other interlocutory hearings throughout Western Australia.
Prior to practising in criminal law, Thomas held a mixed civil practice in areas including litigation, commercial disputes and advice, and bankruptcy.
From 2016, Thomas specialised in criminal practice as a Senior Federal Prosecutor at the Perth branch of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions. As a Senior Federal Prosecutor, Thomas managed a diverse range of prosecutions involving organised crime, taxation, fraud, border protection, and regulatory offences.
Between 2019 and 2024, Thomas continued prosecuting a wide range of indictable criminal matters as a State Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (WA).
Thomas accepts both defence and prosecution briefs in criminal and regulatory matters.
Date of admission: 03/07/2012
Qualifications: LLB (Bachelor of Laws), BA (Bachelor of Arts)