Doyle’s Guide 2022 recognises mediators, arbitrators
FBC is delighted to announce that the Hon John Chaney SC, the Hon Wayne Martin...
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FBC is delighted to announce that the Hon John Chaney SC, the Hon Wayne Martin...
accepts briefs across a number of practice areas including arbitration, commercial disputes and corporations law...
Francis Burt Chambers is pleased to welcome as a new member of our Chambers. Ryan...
Advocacy is a critical skill required of every barrister. While it takes years of experience to...
Francis Burt Chambers is pleased to celebrate the significant number of its members recognised in...
Francis Burt Chambers is pleased to welcome . Sam has a broad practice which includes...
Francis Burt Chambers is pleased to welcome who commenced as a new member of our...
After 14 years as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia we are delighted...
For three decades, the Law Society of Western Australia’s Mock Trial competition has been showcasing...
We continue to welcome new members, with recently joining us at Francis Burt Chambers. Venetia...
Francis Burt Chambers has welcomed a number of new members including Blake Primrose, Ben Willesee...
Francis Burt Chambers congratulates Henry Jackson SC who has been appointed District Court Judge and...