2020 Mock Trial win for La Salle Legal

Congratulations to ‘La Salle Legal’ – an outstanding team from La Salle College, Middle Swan who has taken out the Law Society of WA’s 2020 Mock Trials competition, proudly supported by Francis Burt Chambers.

In what was a truncated series with empty public galleries in this year of the pandemic, the team from La Salle proved the power of strong advocacy in the three-round competition. And in this strangest of years, a special onsite presentation by Law Society President and Francis Burt Chambers member Nicholas van Hattem, and Clinton Russell, who represented Francis Burt Chambers as a sponsor, was delayed until after the event.

In more good news, at least two La Salle College Year 12s have already attained university placements to start their legal studies in 2021 – we wish them well.

A total of 625 school students participated in 2020, and 80 trials were held, with 260 students achieved accreditation towards their high school graduation through their participation. In addition, 78 lawyers or law students volunteered in the 2020 season, and we sincerely thank them for their generosity and enthusiasm.

La Salle