Elected to the Bar: 1990

Appointed Senior Counsel: 1997

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC

Door Tenant

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC practises solely as a mediator and arbitrator and does not provide legal advice or representation.

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC was appointed to the Federal Court of Australia in 2007 and retired in December 2021. He also sat as a Judicial Member of the AAT. Prior to appointment, he generally practised in commercial and civil disputes, taking silk in 1997. He served on several professional bodies. He was an acting Commissioner of the Corruption and Crime Commission, a Senior Sessional Member of the State Administrative Tribunal and a Commissioner (acting judge) of the Supreme Court of Western Australia.

Whilst on the Federal Court for over 14 years, he delivered some 940 appellate and single instance written judgments in a wide variety of commercial and other matters.  He represented the court on the executive of the Australian Judicial Officers’ Association.  He chaired the UNCITRAL Organizing Committee of Australia and from 2019 to 2022 represented the International Judges’ Association in UNCITRAL working groups in the UN, negotiating a draft international maritime treaty.  He has participated with others in endeavours to shape the rules of the court to modern needs generally and particularly for arbitration. He also acted as an arbitrator and a mediator before appointment to the bench and a mediator whilst a judge.


Date of admission: 1975

Qualifications:  LLB (UWA)

Elected to the Bar: 1990

Appointed Senior Counsel: 1997

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC practises solely as a mediator and arbitrator and does not provide legal advice or representation.

The Hon Neil McKerracher KC was appointed to the Federal Court of Australia in 2007 and retired in December 2021. He also sat as a Judicial Member of the AAT. Prior to appointment, he generally practised in commercial and civil disputes, taking silk in 1997. He served on several professional bodies. He was an acting Commissioner of the Corruption and Crime Commission, a Senior Sessional Member of the State Administrative Tribunal and a Commissioner (acting judge) of the Supreme Court of Western Australia.

Whilst on the Federal Court for over 14 years, he delivered some 940 appellate and single instance written judgments in a wide variety of commercial and other matters.  He represented the court on the executive of the Australian Judicial Officers’ Association.  He chaired the UNCITRAL Organizing Committee of Australia and from 2019 to 2022 represented the International Judges’ Association in UNCITRAL working groups in the UN, negotiating a draft international maritime treaty.  He has participated with others in endeavours to shape the rules of the court to modern needs generally and particularly for arbitration. He also acted as an arbitrator and a mediator before appointment to the bench and a mediator whilst a judge.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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